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DCs and Factories

Production and storing facilities are the integral components of every supply chain. This table is used to specify distribution centers and factories that comprise your supply chain. Data for this table can be collected automatically from the results of the GFA experiment or inserted manually for each DC/factory that you create.

To define the involved costs, refer to the Facility expenses table (available in the NO and SIM scenario types).

To specify the type and the quantity of vehicles that a site possesses, refer to the Fleets table (available only in the SIM scenario type).

If you change the type of the facility, the icon on the GIS map will change correspondingly.

The site contained in the selected record is highlighted on the map.

The product's selling price may be adjusted for the required site.

A site that is supplying a customer is defined by the sourcing policy.

  • The default values of the Paths and Sourcing tables allow connections to be created instantly on adding a new object to the scenario.
    e.g. When you add a new DC to the SIM scenario containing customers, the sourcing policy automatically (dynamically) detects customers that will be supplied by this DC. This set of customers is updated each time this DC is moved or another DC is added. When properly defined, the sourcing is visualized on the map via connections.
  • A DC may be used as a shadow object for a customer. This will allow the customer to have inventory.
  • A Supplier may be used as a shadow object for a DC. This will allow the DC to have unlimited inventory (in case of NO scenario type).
Column Description


Specify the name of the DC/Factory. It must be a meaningful name since you will refer to it in the other anyLogistix tables.


Site type. The default site type is “DC”, but it can be replaced with your own site type.

Select the type of the site:

  • DC — distribution center. A type of a warehouse with additional customer services.
  • Factory — production site, the source of products that supply chain provides customers with.
  • Factory (Yogurt Factory) — custom factory type that is used in the SIM Yogurt Factory example.
  • DC (Yogurt Factory) — custom DC type that is used in the SIM Yogurt Factory example.
  • DC (DC with Staff) — custom DC type that is used in the SIM DC with Staff example.
  • DC (DC with Storages) — custom DC type.
  • DC (Online Shop) — custom DC type that is used in the SIM Online Shop (Variation experiment) example.


Specify the current location of the DC/Factory.

The cell contains a drop-down list with the available Locations.

Initially Open

Specifies if the facility is initially open. A facility can change its state only once during Simulation and Network Optimization based experiments.

Inclusion Type

Defines the status of the current facility.

  • Include — if set, the facility will be included into the supply chain configuration.
  • Exclude — if set, the facility will be excluded from the supply chain configuration. If selected, the table record will be grayed out to denote the current inclusion type. The table record remains editable.
  • Consider — if set, the facility can be turned off/on during scenario optimization (only during network optimization).


The maximum inventory amount (physical capacity of a facility) in the specified Capacity Unit.

When inventory is replenished, the replenishment order's quantity will be adjusted automatically to meet the capacity limit of the facility (inventory replenishment parameters are defined in the Inventory table).

If capacity is defined for a facility, the inventory replenishment logic is the following:

  1. If inventory for a product can be replenished in full quantity, it is performed according to the specified replenishment parameters.
  2. If inventory for a product cannot be replenished because of the capacity limit, the record in a special FIFO (First In, First Out) queue is created for this product. Inventory for the records in this queue is checked on each outgoing shipment and is replenished as a first priority.
  3. Inventory replenishment under a regular inventory check (as defined in the Inventory table) is performed as a second priority.

Capacity Unit

The measurement units that the Capacity is measured in.

The list of available units comprises the units defined in both the Manage units dialog and the Units table.

Aggregate Orders by Location

Allows you to accumulate orders for a number of customers located in one location. The option is unchecked by default.

e.g. We have 5 customers in the same location. Each customer places an orders for 10 items. If the Aggregate Orders by Location toggle button is enabled, the solver will treat those orders as one order for 50 items.

Additional Parameters

Contains parameters of the extended object that is selected in the Type column of this table.


Here you define an icon that will represent this particular object only. All other objects of this type will keep their current icons.

If you convert the current object to the object of the custom type, the current icon will remain.

Initially the default and icons are set for all DC and Factory objects respectively (can be changed in Edit icons).

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