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This table is used within the Network Optimization experiment only. It allows you to define the following production parameters:

  • Product that will be produced by the specified facility/group of facilities.
  • Production constraints that must be applied to a facility/group of facilities (valid within the specified period of time).
  • Penalties for violating the specified constraints.
Column Description


Specify the name of the production constraint.

It must be a meaningful name since you will refer to it in the Custom constraints and Linear Ranges tables.


Defines the production site.

The cell contains a list of sites.

The selected Site should be a factory (defined in the Factories table). Objects of other types will be ignored by the system.


Defines the product that the production constraints will be defined for.


The BOM (Bill of Materials) for the specified product. The source materials are delivered to the production site in accordance with its Sourcing policy.

The cell contains a list of BOMs (defined in the BOM table).

Production Cost

The cost of producing one product unit.

If defined, overrides the defined Cost of obtaining a product.


The type of currency that the cost is expressed in.

Min Throughput

Sets the minimum production flow volume that the specified source (or a group of sources) can offer. By default the throughput is set to 0 and is considered to be infinite.

If the Down Penalty is set to 0, this will be a hard constraint.

Max Throughput

Sets the maximum production flow volume that the specified source (or a group of sources) can offer. By default the throughput is set to 0 and is considered to be infinite.

If the Up Penalty is set to 0, this will be a hard constraint.


If enabled, the Fixed Value column is considered.

Fixed Value

Allows you to explicitly specify the throughput of the source/group of sources.

Down Penalty

Defines the penalty to be paid per product item for dropping the throughput level below the specified Min Throughput level.

The penalty is calculated as: specified down penalty * sum of the lacking products.

If the penalty is set to 0, the specified Min Throughput will be considered as a hard constraint, i.e., it cannot be violated. For more information refer here.

Up Penalty

Defines the penalty to be paid per product item for exceeding the specified Max Throughput level.

The penalty is calculated as: specified up penalty * sum of the excessive products.

If the penalty is set to 0, the specified Max Throughput will be considered as a hard constraint, i.e., it cannot be violated. For more information refer here.

CO2 per Product

The amount of CO2 emission per one produced product unit.

Time Period

Defines the period of time (from the previously defined in the Periods table) during which the defined linear production constraint will be considered.

The cell contains a list of periods.

Inclusion Type

Defines the status of the current facility constraint.

  • Include — if this status is set, the facility constraint will be included into the supply chain configuration.
  • Exclude — if set, the facility constraint will be excluded from the supply chain configuration. If selected, the table record will be grayed out to denote the current inclusion type. The table record stays editable.
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