- DC with Capacity
- Demand Fulfillment
- Demand Coverage by Distance
- Distance Coverage by Demand
- Events Table
- Iteration seeds
- Named Expressions
- New Site Locations
- Objective Members
- Operating Sites
- Orders Table
- Other Costs
- Overall Stats
- Product Flows
- Product Flows
- Product Flows Table
- Production Cost
- Production Flows
- Recovery Time
- Site State
- Shared Flow Constraints
- Shared Storages Constraints
- Shipment Schedule Table
- Shipments Table
- Storage by Product
- Total Demand Coverage by Distance
- Vehicle Flows
Custom table statistics contain statistics of the GFA and NO experiments, and statistics created within the AnyLogic environment.
[Used within the Safety Stock Estimation experiment only] Shows data on the average utilization of the object's inventory in all replications.
Check the Expected on-hand inventory column to see if the defined maximum capacity has been exceeded.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Site — the site which the data is collected.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Capacity — the maximum capacity of the site's inventory (defined in the Capacity column of the Distribution Centers and Factories tables).
- Unit — the capacity measurement unit.
- Safety Stock — the average safety stock for all products in all replications.
- Initial Stock — the average initial stock for all products in all replications.
- Expected On-hand Inventory — the actual required maximum capacity.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on demand within the supply chain during the specified period of time.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Customer — the customer the products are shipped to.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Unit — the product measurement Unit, which is defined in the Products table.
- Demand Min — (varies if Select demand variation type parameter of NO experiment is not set to Exact demand) the minimum demand level that triggers the Under Cost penalty if violated.
- Demand Max — (varies if Select demand variation type parameter of NO experiment is not set to Exact demand) the maximum demand level that triggers the Over Cost penalty if violated.
- Satisfied — the amount of satisfied demand (in units specified in the Products table).
- Percentage — the amount of satisfied demand in percentage.
If 100%- 105% is specified in the Select demand variation type parameter, the fully satisfied amount (100%) will be equal to the max deviation value, i.e., 105%.
- Revenue per Item — revenue received per product item.
- Revenue Total — the total revenue received for all products shipped within this time period.
- Under Cost — penalty for violating the Demand Min parameter.
- Over Cost — penalty for violating the Demand Max parameter.
- Penalty — the total penalties paid within this time period for violating the min and max demand parameters.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within GFA and GFA with Roads experiments only] Shows detailed statistics on the demand to satisfy within a certain distance per site created by the GFA experiment.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- Site — sites created by the GFA experiment.
- Distance to Site, km — the distance covered.
- Demand, % — demand to satisfy (expressed in percentage) within the corresponding covered distance.
- Demand, m3 — demand to satisfy (expressed in units) within the corresponding covered distance.
[Used within GFA and GFA with Roads experiments only] Shows detailed statistics on the distance to cover to satisfy
a certain percentage of the demand.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- Site — sites created by the GFA experiment.
- Demand, % — demand to satisfy (expressed in percentage).
- Demand, m3 — demand to satisfy (expressed in units).
- Distance to Site, km — the distance to cover to satisfy the corresponding amount of demand.
[Used within all the Simulation-based experiments, but the Safety Stock estimation experiment] Shows detailed statistics on the events that took place.
The table does not necessarily contain all the defined events. If an event did not take place due to the specified probability (in the
Events table), it will not be present in this table.
The data is:
- Updated each time an event occurs.
- Collected per:
- Replication — the ordinal number of replication in which the event took place.
- Event — name of the event that took place.
- Date — the exact date and time when the event took place.
- Day # — the ordinal number of the day when the event took place. The first day is the simulation launch day.
[Used within Simulation-based experiments, except the Simulation experiment] Shows the seed of each run a multi-run
experiment performs.
This seed can further be used in the Random seed parameter of the Simulation experiment
to reproduce the result.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- Replication — the ordinal number of replication.
- Seed — the seed used in this replication.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on the user-defined expressions within the supply chain.
Here belong the items, defined in the CO2 from Facilities,
CO2 from Processing,
Custom constraints,
Facility Expenses,
Product flows,
Product storages,
Production and
Tariffs tables.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Expression Name — the name of the user-defined expression.
- Value — the value of the user-defined expression.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within GFA and GFA with Roads experiments only] Shows information on all the new sites created by the experiment.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- Name — the name of the new site, created by the GFA experiment.
- Latitude — the latitude coordinate of the site's location.
- Longitude — the longitude coordinate of the site's location.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows results of expressions, defined in the
Objective Members table.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it shows value of the objective member for the numbered found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Objective member — the name of the objective member defined in the Objective Members table.
- Value — the value of the corresponding objective member defined in the Objective Members table.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it shows value of the objective member for the numbered found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on costs of the working facilities (the ones with the Open status).
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Site — the site that is considered within the statistics.
- Status — the status of the considered site.
- Initial Cost — the cost of opening a site if it is initially closed.
- Closing Cost — the cost of closing a site if it is initially open.
- Other Cost, per period — other site expenses incurred per period (defined in the Expense Type column of the Facility expenses table)
- Total Cost — total amount of expenses on the considered site within the specified period of time.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within all the Simulation-based experiments, but the Safety Stock estimation experiment] Shows detailed statistics on the orders delivered within the supply chain. The table allows you to see if an order was divided into several deliveries. The data is:
- Updated with each new order status (see the Status column).
- Collected per:
- Order ID — the ordinal number of the order.
- Current location — the location of the order at certain point during the simulation.
- Destination — the destination the order is shipped to.
- Status — the status of the order at certain point during the simulation:
- Created — the order is created by a customer or a site that requires certain products to be delivered to it.
- Received — the order is received by the facility (of distribution center, factory or supplier type) that will be delivering the order.
The order can be split and delivered in parts. Depending on the reason it can be:
- Split (partial delivery) — the partial delivery is used when an order is too big to fit in a vehicle.
- Split (partial shipment) — the partial shipment is used when the site lacks products to instantly ship the demanded amount.
- Loading — the order (or part of it if it is split) is loading to a vehicle.
- Sent in Shipment # — the order (or part of it if it is split) is sent to the customer or a site who created this order. The # at the end denotes the ordinal number of the shipment delivering this order (or parts of this order). This ordinal number does not have any reference to the split it is in. It is simply the number of the shipment in your supply chain. Use this shipment ID to track the required shipment in other custom tables.
- Unloading — the order (or part of it if it is split) is unloaded from the vehicle.
- Delivered in Shipment # — the order (or the part of it if it is split) is delivered to the customer or a site who created this order. In case of split orders an order is considered to be fulfilled when the last part of it has been delivered. The # at the end denotes the ordinal number of the shipment delivering a part of the order. This ordinal number does not have any reference to the split it is in. It is simply the number of the shipment in your supply chain. Use this shipment ID to track the required shipment in other custom tables.
- Date — the date, on which the status (see the Status column) was updated.
- Product — the products, for which the status (see the Status column) was updated within the shipment.
- Amount — the number / amount of products, for which the status (see the Status column) was updated.
- Unit — the product measurement unit.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on all the other costs incurred within the specified period of time.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Site — the site that is considered within this statistic.
- Other Cost, per month — other monthly site expenses (defined in the Expense Type column of the Facility expenses table).
- Other Cost, per period — other site expenses incurred per period (defined in the Expense Type column of the Facility expenses table).
- Iteration — Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on all the incurred expenses that are deducted from the received revenue within the specified period of time.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Initial Cost — the total cost of opening facilities.
- Outbound Processing Cost — the total cost of processing the outgoing products.
- Penalties — the total penalties paid.
- Supply Cost — the cost that we will pay the supplier.
- Inbound Processing Cost — the total cost of processing the incoming products.
- Other Cost — the expenses that are not dependent on the level of goods or services produced by the business.
- CO2 Emission — the total amount of CO2 emissions.
- Transportation Cost — the total transportation cost.
- Carrying Cost — the total cost of storing products.
- Tariffs — the total tax paid for products transferred between the supply chain sites (distribution center, factory, supplier).
- Revenue — the total revenue received.
- Customer Tariffs — the total amount of taxes generated for products transferred from a site to a customer. Such taxes are not included into the Total Cost statistics, since they are paid by the customer.
- Production Cost — the cost associated with the production of goods.
- Closing Cost — the total cost of closing facilities.
- Objective — the amount of costs that are considered. Considers all enabled Objective Members.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within GFA and GFA with Roads experiments only] Shows detailed statistics on the flows within the supply chain
with the GFA offered sites.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Flow, m3 — the amount of products (in units specified in the Products table).
- Distance, km — the distance between the source and the destination of the product.
- Flow Cost Estimation, m3 * km — the estimated cost of the product flow.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on the flows of the supply chain within the specified period of time.
This and the Vehicle flows statistics are used to calculate the transportation cost.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Arrival Period — the period within which the product was delivered.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Flow — the amount of products (in units specified in the Products table).
- Unit — the product measurement unit.
- Flow Min — the flow Min Throughput constraint specified in the Product Flows table.
- Flow Max — the flow Max Throughput constraint specified in the Product Flows table.
- Percentage — shows the deviation from the specified throughputs. If the Flow Max value is 0 (the Max Throughput constraint is not defined), the value in this column will be -1.0 since we cannot divide by zero.
- Flow Under Cost — penalty for violating the Min Throughput flow constraint.
- Flow Over Cost — penalty for violating the Max Throughput flow constraint.
- Distance — the distance covered within the specified period from source to destination points.
- Vehicle type — the type of the vehicle used to deliver the products.
- Travel Time — the time it took to deliver the product.
- Out Processing Cost, per item — the cost of processing every outgoing product item.
- Out Processing Cost, total — the total cost of processing all outgoing products of this flow.
- Transportation Cost, per item — the cost of transporting one product item.
- Transportation Cost, total — the total cost of transporting all products of this flow.
- Tariff, per item — the estimated tax per product item.
- Tariff, total — the total tax paid for the products transported within the simulation period. It is calculated as Flow multiplied by Tariff, per item.
- In Processing Cost, per item — the cost of processing every incoming product item.
- In Processing Cost, total — the total cost of processing all incoming products of this flow.
- Flow Cost, per item — the resulting expenses incurred per product item within this flow.
- Penalty — the penalties paid for violating the throughputs.
- Flow Cost, total — the total expenses incurred within this flow for the specified period.
- Flow CO2, per item — the amount of CO2 produced per product measurement unit. Also considers data from the CO2 from Processing table.
- Flow CO2, total — the total amount of CO2 emissions. It is calculated as Flow * Flow CO2, per item. Also considers data from the CO2 from Processing table.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within SIM experiment only] Shows statistics on the objects the products are shipped from,
the products that were shipped, the shipped amount of products and the list of destinations the products were shipped to.
The data is:
- Updated each time a product leaves a site.
- Collected per:
- Object — the source of the product.
- Product — the products used within the flow.
- Destination — the destination of the flow the products are shipped to.
- Period — the period during which the product flows are analyzed.
- Amount — the amount of products (in units specified in the Products table).
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on costs incurred during the production process.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Facility — the facility producing products.
- BOM — the BOM used at this facility to produce the product.
- End Product — the product that is produced by the facility using the BOM.
- Unit — the product measurement Unit, which is defined in the Products table.
- Amount — the amount of products produced within the specified period of time.
- Production Cost — the expenses on producing the total amount of produced products.
- Min Throughput — the Min Throughput constraint specified in the Production table.
- Max Throughput — the Max Throughput constraint specified in the Production table.
- Production Penalty — the penalty for violating Min and Max throughputs, specified in the Production table.
- Total cost — total amount of expenses on production of products at the considered site within the specified period of time.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on the flows involved in the production process.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Facility — the facility producing products.
- BOM — the BOM used at this facility to produce the product.
- Product — The column contains:
- the list of products that are consumed in the process of production of the end product of the BOM.
- the end product of the BOM.
- Unit — the product measurement Unit, which is defined in the Products table.
- Consumed — refers only to the materials consumed in the process of production of the end product of the BOM. Shows the amount of the consumed materials within the specified period.
- Produced — refers only to the end product of the BOM. Shows the amount of the produced end products within the specified period of time.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within the Risk Analysis only] Shows detailed statistics on the time the supply chain was running below the
Failure service level.
The data is:
- Updated each time the service level drops below the Failure Service Level / goes back to the recovery level.
- Collected per:
- Replication — the ordinal number of replication in which the drop of service level occurred.
- Product — the product the data is collected on.
- Start day — the ordinal number of the day the service level dropped below the specified Failure service level. The first day is the simulation launch day.
- End day — the ordinal number of the day the service level reached the Recovery service level. The first day is the simulation launch day.
- Duration(days) — the length of the recovery period in days.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on the cost of opening/closing a site.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Site — the site that is considered within this statistic.
- Initial State — the state of the site at the beginning of the experiment.
- New State — the new state of the site if set to change.
- Initial Cost — the cost of opening a site if it is initially closed.
- Closing Cost — the cost of closing a site if it is initially open.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on flow constraints (available if at least one of the "Expanded..." columns is disabled in the Product Flows table). The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Products — the products used within the flow.
- Unit — the product measurement Unit, which is defined in the Products table.
- Flow, volume — the amount of products (in units specified in the Products table).
- Flow min, volume — the flow Min Throughput constraint specified in the Product Flows table.
- Flow max, volume — the flow Max Throughput constraint specified in the Product Flows table.
- Flow Under Cost — penalty for violating the Min Throughput flow constraint.
- Flow Over Cost — penalty for violating the Max Throughput flow constraint.
- Penalty — the penalties paid for violating the throughputs.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on storage constraints (available if at least one of the "Expanded..." columns is disabled in the Product Storages table). The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Facilities — the facilities processing products.
- Products — the products used within the flow.
- Unit — the product measurement Unit, which is defined in the Products table.
- Storage — the amount of products stored in the facility at the end of the period.
- Storage Min — the Min Stock constraint specified in the Product Storages table.
- Storage Max — the Max Stock constraint specified in the Product Storages table.
- Understock Penalty — penalty for violating the Min Stock constraint.
- Overstock Penalty — penalty for violating the Max Stock constraint.
- Penalty — the penalties paid for violating the Min and Max storage constraints.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within Simulation-based experiments, except the Safety Stock experiment] Shows detailed statistics on all shipments made within the supply chain.
The data is:
- Updated with each new shipment made, and with each new shipment status (see the Action column).
- Collected per:
- Shipment ID — the identification number of the shipment.
- Original Shipper — the origin of the product. Its initial location.
- Vehicle type — the type of the vehicle used to deliver the shipment.
- Vehicles amount — the number of vehicles that was required to make the shipment.
- Previous locations — the location the vehicle set off from.
- Current location — the location, at which the vehicle currently performs action.
- Next location — the location, to which the vehicle will set off from the Current location.
- Action — the action the vehicles performed at this object:
- Created — the shipment is prepared and is ready to be loaded to the required vehicle.
- Loading — the shipment is loading to the required vehicle.
- Departure — the loaded vehicle leaves the site.
- Arrival — the loaded vehicle arrives at the next location.
- Unloading — the shipment (or part of the shipment in case of milk runs) is unloaded from the vehicle.
Return — the vehicle returned to the positioning site.
This status is available only if the following conditions are met:
- A site has a fleet of vehicles.
- The returning path from the destination (e.g. a customer) to the vehicle's positioning site is defined.
- Date — the date, on which the action (see Action column) was performed.
- Product — the products, with which the action (see Action column) was performed within this shipment.
- Quantity — the number / amount of products, with which the action (see Action column) was performed.
- Unit — the product measurement unit that is defined in the experiment settings.
[Used within Simulation-based experiments, except the Safety Stock experiment] Shows total statistics on all
shipments made within the supply chain.
The data is:
- Updated with each new shipment made.
- Collected per:
- Shipment ID — the identification number of the shipment.
- Shipper — the site the product is shipped from.
- Destinations — the object, to which the vehicle is heading to.
- Vehicle type — the type of the vehicle used to deliver the shipment.
- Vehicles amount — the number of vehicles that was required to make the shipment.
- Departure date — the date, on which the vehicle set off from the Shipper.
- Departure period — the period of time, during which the vehicle set off from the Shipper.
- Departure day — the ordinal number of day, on which the vehicle set off from the Shipper.
- Amount — the amount of products delivered by this shipment.
- Unit — the product measurement unit.
- Output processing cost — the total cost of processing the Amount of products at the Shipper object.
- Transportation cost — the total transportation cost of this shipment.
- Input processing cost — the total cost of processing the Amount of products at the Destination object.
- Tariff — the total tax paid for the products transported within this shipment.
- Total cost — the total amount of expenses incurred within this shipment.
- Revenue — the received revenue.
- Cost unit — the monetary unit used for statistics
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on costs for storing products at a facility within the specified period of time.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Facility — the facility used for storing products.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Unit — the product measurement Unit, which is defined in the Products table.
- In Flow — the incoming flow of products to the facility.
- Initial Storage — the initial amount of products stored in the facility.
- Storage — the amount of products stored in the facility at the end of the period.
- Percentage — shows the difference between the initial amount and the amount at the end of the period.
- Out Flow — the outgoing flow of products from the facility.
- Carrying Cost, per m3 — the cost of storing one cubic meter of products.
- Total Carrying Cost — the total cost of storing the whole amount of products. It is calculated as:
Storage cost * |Storage - Initial Storage| / 2
- Storage min — the Min Stock constraint specified in the Product Storages table.
- Storage max — the Max Stock constraint specified in the Product Storages table.
- Understock Penalty — penalty for violating the Min Stock constraint.
- Overstock Penalty — penalty for violating the Max Stock constraint.
- Storage Penalty — the penalties paid for violating the Min and Max storage constraints.
- Total Cost — total amount of expenses on storing products at the considered site within the specified period of time.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within GFA and GFA with roads experiments only] Shows detailed statistics on the total demand to satisfy
within a certain distance.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- Distance to Site, km — the distance covered.
- Demand, % — demand to satisfy (expressed in percentage) within the corresponding covered distance.
- Demand, m3 — demand to satisfy (expressed in units) within the corresponding covered distance.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows detailed statistics on the vehicles types used to deliver goods within the
supply chain. Statistics is gathered only for the vehicles that are using
Paths with FTL transportation policy.
This and the Product flows statistics are used to calculate
the transportation cost.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Source — the site the vehicle sets off with the products to deliver.
- Destination — the customer the carried products are delivered to.
- Vehicle type — the type of the vehicle used to deliver the products.
- Vehicle trips — the number of trips made by the corresponding vehicle type.
- Cost — the sum of transportation costs for all vehicle trips.
- CO2 — the amount of produced CO2 emissions. The CO2 emission parameters are defined in the Paths table
- Total products flow — the overall amount of products delivered within the current flow.
- Unit — the product measurement unit.
- Vehicle capacity — the capacity of a single vehicle of this type.
- Min load — the min load of the vehicle within the flow.
- Actual load — the actual load of the vehicle within the flow.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions. In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
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