- CO2 by Facility Size
- CO2 from Facility Closure
- CO2 from Facility Opening
- CO2 from Inbound Processing
- CO2 from Other Cause
- CO2 from Outbound Processing
- CO2 from Product Carrying
- CO2 from Production
- CO2 from Vehicles
- CO2 from Vehicles FTL
- CO2 from Vehicles LTL
- CO2 from Vehicles LTL per Item
- Total CO2
- Total CO2
Statistics related to this group show data on CO2 emissions within the designed supply chain. Use the following tables to define CO2 emissions:
The statistics of this group are available in the results of the Simulation-based experiment only. For Network Optimization CO2 statistics, navigate to the Named Expressions page of its results.
Shows statistics on the amount of CO2 emissions per occupied area of a facility based on the daily Peak Capacity (specified as the by Facility Size in the CO2 Emissions column of the CO2 from Facilities table). The value is considered in the Total CO2 statistics.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Defined by the specified CO2 emissions amount multiplied by the daily maximum inventory volume and divided by the number of days in the current month.
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
This closure cost is considered only if the facility state is changed at the beginning of the period defined in the Site State change table.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
Shows statistics on the amount of CO2 emissions produced while processing the incoming shipments. The value is considered in the Total CO2 statistic. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Product — the products that are processed.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Defined by multiplying the CO2 produced by the amount of incoming products processed.
Shows statistics on the amount of CO2 emissions produced by site on daily basis due to other reasons. It is specified as the from Other Cause in the CO2 Emissions column of the CO2 from Facilities table. The time period during which the emissions are produced is defined in the Time Unit column of the same table. The value is considered in the Total CO2 statistic.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Shows statistics on the amount of CO2 emissions produced while processing the outgoing shipments. The value is considered in the Total CO2 statistic. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Product — the products that are processed.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Defined by multiplying the CO2 produced by the amount of outgoing products processed.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Product — the products that are processed.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Factory).
- Object — the name of the factory the data is collected on.
- Product — the products that are processed.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory, Supplier).
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Destination — the delivery destination.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows the total amount of produced CO2 emissions. The CO2 emission parameters are defined in the Paths table. The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
- Period — the period, during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows the total amount of produced CO2 emissions. The CO2 emission parameters are defined in the Paths table. It is calculated as Flow * Flow CO2, per item. Also considers data from the CO2 from Processing table. The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of the best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
- Period — the period, during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of the best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows the total amount of produced CO2 emissions. The CO2 emission parameters are defined in the Paths table. It is calculated as Flow CO2, total / Flow. Also considers data from the CO2 from Processing table. The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of the best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
- Period — the period, during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of the best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows the total amount of produced CO2 emissions. The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of the best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
- Period — the period, during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of the best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
[Used within SIM experiment only] Shows statistics as the sum of all the CO2 emissions produced during the simulation period.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object the data is collected on.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
- Value — the total amount of CO2 emissions.
- Unit — the abstract CO2 measurement unit.
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