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Removing a Table Record

If a table contains unnecessary or outdated data, you may remove it. If you accidentally removed necessary data, use the Ctrl + Z shortcut to restore the record.

Deleting an object may affect records in other tables:

  • When you delete an object (customer, distribution center, factory, supplier), the record about its location (stored in the Locations table) is also removed, unless some other object uses this same location.
  • When you delete a customer, its demand (stored in the Demand table) will be also removed.

To remove a record from the table

  1. To remove a record from the table, select it by clicking the row.
  2. Click the Remove button to delete the row.

To remove several records from the table

  1. Press Ctrl and click the records you need to remove. Release the Ctrl button when selecting is done.
  2. Click the Remove button to delete the rows.

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