Statistics related to this group provide detailed information on the overall experiment running time, the amount of time spent on processing tasks as well as time spent in the idle state.
[Used within NO experiment only] Shows the time it took to deliver the product. The data is:
- Updated at the end of every iteration.
- Collected per:
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
E.g. 1 — first solution, 2 — second solution and so on.
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Vehicle type — the type of the vehicles used.
- Period — the period, during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
- Iteration — refers to the specified number of best solutions.
In other words, it enumerates the found solutions.
Shows statistics on delivery time of every ordered product item. The best way to analyze the obtained data is to visualize it via histogram or B-M-W line type of charts.
The data may be inflated with the time an order / shipment is waiting for the facility to become available when the Time windows are used.
The data is:
Updated each time a shipment with the order is delivered (all delivered orders are considered no matter if they are in time or delayed).
In case of split orders an order is considered delivered only when 100% of the ordered amount has been delivered. Until then split orders are not considered by this statistic.
- Collected per:
- Type — the customer the data is collected on.
- Object — the customer the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Source — the source that supplied the object with the requested product.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Shows statistics on the max delivery time.
The data may be inflated with the time an order / shipment is waiting for the facility to become available when the Time windows are used.
The data is:
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the customer the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Source — the source that supplied the object with the requested product.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Updated each time a shipment with the order is delivered (all delivered orders are considered no matter if they are in time or delayed).
In case of split orders an order is considered delivered only when 100% of the ordered amount has been delivered. Until then split orders are not considered by this statistic.
Shows statistics on the mean delivery time.
The data may be inflated with the time an order / shipment is waiting for the facility to become available when the Time windows are used.
The data is:
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the customer the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Source — the source that supplied the object with the requested product.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Updated each time a shipment with the order is delivered (all delivered orders are considered no matter if they are in time or delayed).
In case of split orders an order is considered delivered only when 100% of the ordered amount has been delivered. Until then split orders are not considered by this statistic.
Shows statistics on the amount of time the production line is busy processing tasks. The data is:
- Updated each time a task is received.
- Collected per:
- Type — the factory the data is collected on.
- Object — the name of the factory the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the amount of time the production line is idle with no work to do. The data is:
- Updated each time a task is finished.
- Collected per:
- Type — the factory the data is collected on.
- Object — the name of the factory the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the amount of time the available staff is busy processing tasks. The data is:
- Updated each time a task is received.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (extended DC).
- Object — the name of the object (extended distribution center) the data is collected on.
Shows statistics on the amount of time the available staff is idle with no work to do. The data is:
- Updated each time a task is finished.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (extended DC).
- Object — the name of the object (extended DC) the data is collected on.
[Used within Risk Analysis experiment only] Shows statistics on the total amount of time the supply chain was running below the specified Failure service level.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Product — the product the data is collected on.
- Replication — the ordinal number of replication in which the event took place.
- Value — the total amount of time the supply chain was running below the specified Failure service level.
- Unit — the time measurement unit.
Shows statistics on the amount of time spent on loading a vehicle type at the gates. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer, DC, Factory, Supplier).
- Object — the name of the object (customer, distribution center, factory, supplier) the data is collected on.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Shows statistics on the amount of time spent on unloading a vehicle type at the gates. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer, DC, Factory, Supplier).
- Object — the name of the object (customer, distribution center, factory, supplier) the data is collected on.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
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