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Settings of the Safety Stock Estimation Experiment

If the Experiment settings window is not open, click in the experiments controls.

Experiment settings

The experiment's settings are available only if the experiment is not launched:

  • Experiment start — defines when the experiment starts.
    • All periods — [Set by default] the first period defined in the Periods table will be used as the starting period.
    • Selected period — allows you to define the required period (from the ones defined in the Periods table) as the starting period in the now available Start period option.
    • Start period — [visible if Selected period option is selected] specify the period, the starting date of which will be used as the starting date of the experiment.
  • Experiment end — defines when the experiment ends:
    • All periods — [Set by default] the end date of the last period defined in the Periods table wil be used.
    • Selected period — allows you to define the required period (from the ones defined in the Periods table) as the ending period in the now available End period option.
    • Custom period — allows you to define a custom experiment end date in the now available End date parameter.
    • End date — [visible if Custom period option is selected] defines a custom experiment end date. By default shows the current date.
    • End period — [visible if Selected period option is selected] specify the period, the ending date of which will be used as the ending date of the experiment.
  • Replications per iteration — defines the number of replications to use during the experiment run.
  • Number of threads to use — the number of tasks that can be run in parallel.
  • Desired service level, % — specify the service level that you would like to define the safety stock for.
  • Finances stats unit — the monetary unit that will be used in the statistics.
  • Product stats unit — the product measurement unit (also includes units defined in the Measurement Units table) that will be used in the statistics.
  • Time stats unit — the time measurement unit that will be used in the statistics.
  • Distance stats unit — the distance measurement unit that will be used in the statistics.
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