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User Interface

Once a new scenario is created or an example is opened, and the welcome screen is closed, you will see anyLogistix 3 user interface:

1. Toolbar

The administrator's toolbar in the Control Panel differs.

The toolbar comprises:

  • Projects' menu:
    • Rename projects — opens the Rename Projects dialog box, allowing you to rename this project.
    • Manage users — [available in anyLogistix Professional Server only] opens the Manage Users dialog box, allowing you to share access to this project with the required users.
    • Close project — closes the current project and opens the Manage Projects dialog box allowing you to choose other project to open.
    • Create new project — opens the Create New Project dialog box, allowing you to create a new project.
    • Manage projects — opens the Manage Projects dialog box, allowing you to create, sort, filter, open, or delete a project.
  • Scenario type tabs — (not available on the Welcome screen) each type has its set of experiments that process the scenario's input data. The number in the tab next to the scenario type's name indicates the number of open scenarios.
  • Controls:
    • Undo — allows you to undo the previous action.
    • Redo — allows you to redo the previously undone action.
    • Help — opens the drop-down menu:
      • Help — opens anyLogistix help.
      • Get support — opens the Get support dialog box.
      • anyLogistix community — opens the official anyLogistix LinkedIn community.
      • Feature request — opens the dialog box, allowing you to express your ideas on new features that may improve anyLogistix.
      • Get API libraries — [available in anyLogistix Professional Server only] opens the Get API Libraries dialog box.
      • Information banner — [available if there are unread notifications] the source of information (news, updates, etc.).
    • Menu — opens the drop-down menu:

      Certain items are not available when you are not occupying any project (e.g. when you close a project).

      • Manage units — opens the dialog box with project units and their conversions.
      • Edit icons — opens the Edit icons dialog box, allowing you to manage icons for the objects of your supply chain scenarios.
      • Settings — opens the dialog box, allowing you to configure settings.
      • Show logs — opens the .log file in the plain text editor (downloads the .log file in anyLogistix Professional Server).
      • License info — opens the License information dialog box. If required you can drop your license here.
      • Welcome screen — opens the welcome screen.
      • Control panel — [available in anyLogistix Professional Server only] opens the Control Panel for observing and maintaining multi-user cooperation.
      • Log out — [available in anyLogistix Professional Server only] signs the current user out of the account that is being used. Next to the control you can also see the name, surname, and email of the current user.
2. Scenarios and controls

Contains the currently open scenarios and controls, allowing you to work with the scenarios:

If the ribbon can't fit in all the open scenarios:

  • Hover your mouse over the ribbon and scroll the mouse wheel to turn the carousel and navigate to the required scenario.
  • The Closed list becomes enabled, allowing you to explore all the scenarios the ribbon contains.

Scenario tiles show experiment status if it has been launched.

To reorder scenarios in the ribbon simply click and drag the required scenario to the desired position.

  • Closed — opens a list with the closed scenarios.
  • Add — opens a menu, allowing you to:
    • Create scenario — opens the Create Scenario dialog box, allowing you to define parameters and create new scenario.
    • Import scenarios — opens the Import Scenarios dialog box, allowing you to import a supply chain scenario from the MS Excel file or a database.
    • Import examples — opens the Import Examples with a list of examples to import.

In the multi-user version scenario tiles have tooltips that show the owner/creator of the scenario

3. Input data and experiments

Contains experiments and their results, controls for validating data and switching between the supply chain and experiment modes.

This section can be minimized to offer more map space.


    • MRP Inventory Policy — the tile shows the name of the scenario you are working with. When clicked the tile switches the layout to the supply chain mode (the default mode) that contains the input tables in the dashboard below the map.
    • Check — checks scenario for data inconsistency.
  • EXPERIMENTS — contains experiments of this scenario type, and their outputs. The number next to the experiment name defines the number of available outputs (results).

To minimize/expand this section.

  1. Click on the right border of this section.
    The section will be minimized. You will now see only icons of the actions.

  2. Click the control again to return to the default view.
4. Map

The map displays the elements of the supply chain scenario and their connections.

5. Dashboard

The content of the dashboard depends on the mode:

  • In the data supply chain mode (the default mode) the dashboard contains the list of tables and the table editor.
  • In the experiment mode the statistics dashboard contains either a dashboard menu (in case of simulation based experiments), or a list of results (in case of Network optimization experiment).

The left part of the dashboard can be minimized, the height of the dashboard can be changed.

Dashboard controls

— expands the dashboard, places it over the map. When clicked, the icon is substituted with .

— hides the dashboard, providing more space for the map.

To minimize left part of the dashboard

  1. Click to minimize the list of tables or pages (depends on the mode you are in: supply chain mode, experiment mode). The icon will change to . The minimized section will now show the name of the currently open table or a dashboard page (depends on the mode you are in) and the Show list icon.

  2. You can now click the Show list icon open the list over the currently open table or dashboard elements (depends on the mode you are in). The icon will change to Hide list.

To change the height of the dashboard

  1. Hover your mouse over the top border of the dashboard. The top border will be highlighted in orange.

  2. Left-click and drag the top border of the dashboard up or down to increase or decrease the size of the dashboard area.
  3. Release the mouse button when the top border is at the desired position.
  4. To set the default height of the dashboard double-click its top border.
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