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In the Products table you enter information about products that are delivered within your supply chain.

The measurement units and available currencies used throughout the scenario can be changed in the Units section of anyLogistix Settings.

To create custom units of weight and volume that could be used within the current scenario only, use the Units and Unit Conversions tables.

Column Description


Specify the unique name of the product here. Give meaningful names to products since you will refer to them by their names in other tables (e.g. Inventory, Production, Demand, Sourcing).


Specify the unit (of weight or volume) the product is measured in. By default products are measured in cubic meters throughout the scenario.

The list of available units comprises the units defined in both the Manage units dialog and the Units table.

Make sure that the required unit is used throughout the tables, as it may affect route visibility.

Selling Price

Specify the selling price that a customer will pay for a single product unit.

This selling price can be overridden by:

  • Revenue defined in the Demand table.
  • Price (per unit) defined in the Sale Batch table.


Specify the cost of obtaining a single product unit here.

The specified value is considered only if the product is purchased, i.e the production policy is not defined, otherwise the Production Cost is considered.


Specify the currency in which you are selling the product.

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