- Available Inventory
- Available Inventory Including Backlog
- Available Inventory in Product Units
- Average Daily Available Inventory
- Average Daily Available Inventory in Product Units
- Average Daily On-hand Inventory
- Average Daily On-hand Inventory in Product Units
- Demand (Products Backlog)
- Demand Placed (Dropped Products) by Customer
- Demand Placed (Products) by Customer
- Demand Placed (Products) by Site
- Demand Received (Dropped Products)
- Demand Received (Products)
- Flow
- Fulfillment (Late Products)
- Fulfillment Received (Products On-time)
- Fulfillment Received (Products)
- Fulfillment Received (Products) by Customer
- Fulfillment Shipped (Products)
- On-hand Inventory
- Peak Capacity
- Production Requests (Products)
- Products Produced
- Products Produced (Units)
- Safety Stock in Product Units
- Utilized volume (Yogurt Factory)
Statistics related to this group provide detailed information on all products within the supply chain of the specified Scenario.
Shows statistics on the product items available in stock. The available amount is calculated as On-hand Inventory less the reserved inventory (the orders that have been processed but are not sent yet). The data is:
- Updated at each time the inventory level changes, which happens in the following cases:
- Incoming order is unloaded
- The products are reserved for an order
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Replication — [available in statistics of the Safety stock estimation experiment's results] the ordinal number of replication the gathered data belongs to.
Shows statistics on the quantity of product items available in stock less the quantity of processed products for the incomplete orders (orders that currently lack the required amount of products). The data is:
- Defined as the difference between Available Inventory and Demand (Products Backlog).
- Updated at each time the inventory level changes, which happens in the following cases:
- Incoming order is unloaded
- The products are reserved for an order
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Shows statistics on the product items available in stock. The product measurement unit is specified in the Unit column of the Products table. The data is:
- Updated at each time the inventory level changes, which happens in the following cases:
- Incoming order is unloaded
- The products are reserved for an order
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily integral mean of the available volume of products in stock. The data is:
- Updated at each time the inventory level changes, which happens in the following cases:
- Incoming order is unloaded
- The products are reserved for an order
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily integral mean of the available volume of products in stock. The measurement unit is specified in the Unit column of the Products table. The data is:
- Updated at each time the inventory level changes, which happens in the following cases:
- Incoming order is unloaded
- The products are reserved for an order
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily integral mean of the volume of products in stock (the sum of the Available Inventory and the reserved volume of products). The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily integral mean of the volume of products in stock (the sum of the Available Inventory and the reserved volume of products). The product measurement unit is specified in the Unit column of the Products table. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows the quantity of processed products for the incomplete orders (orders that currently lack the required amount of products).
- Updated at the end of each day, showing the amount of products in the incomplete orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the quantity of product items contained in the orders that a customer could not place. This may refer to the following cases:
- Customer fails to find a product source (e.g. empty group of suppliers is specified).
- A facility offering products meets at least one of the conditions:
- the path is not specified
- batch is not available
- A facility has no product or its current stock amount cannot satisfy the customer's demand and backorder policy is not allowed (see the Demand table). In this case the order will be considered as lost on the facility's side and as dropped on the customer's side.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing dropped orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
- Object — the name of the object (Customer) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Source — the source that supplied the object with the requested product.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the quantity of product items ordered by the customer. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing placed or dropped orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
- Object — the name of the object (Customer) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily quantity of product items contained in the outgoing orders placed by the distribution center and factory objects for replenishing their inventory. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing placed orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Collected on daily basis.
Shows statistics on the quantity of product items contained in the lost orders. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing lost orders. The order will be considered as lost on the facility's side and as dropped on the customer's side if the facility has no product or current stock amount cannot satisfy the customer's demand and backorder policy is not allowed (see the Demand table).
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Destination — the customer the product is delivered to.
Shows statistics on the daily quantity of product items ordered from the distribution center, factory, factory and supplier objects.
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing placed orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory, Supplier).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory, supplier) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Destination — the customer the product is delivered to.
- Collected on daily basis.
[Used within GFA and GFA with roads experiments only] Shows detailed statistics on the amount of products (in units specified in the Products table) transferred in the supply chain. The data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment run.
- Collected per:
- Product — the product used within the flow.
- Period — the period, during which the data is collected.
- From — the source of the flow.
- To — the destination of the flow.
Shows statistics on the quantity of product items, which failed to arrive within the specified Expected Lead Time (see the Demand table), i.e., it is the products that are still being delivered after the ELT has expired. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing the ordered products that have exceeded the Expected Lead Time and are still being delivered.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
- Object — the name of the object (Customer) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Source — the source that supplied the object with the requested product
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the quantity of product items delivered within the specified Expected Lead Time (see the Demand table). The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing products contained in the orders that were delivered in time.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
- Object — the name of the object (Customer) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Source — the source that supplied the object with the requested product
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily quantity of product items in the shipments delivered to distribution center, factory and factory objects. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing the incoming shipments (late shipments are considered only when they are received).
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Collected on daily basis.
Shows statistics on the total quantity of product items delivered to the customer. The data is:
- Defined as the sum of products that were delivered as late products and Fulfillment Received (Products On-time).
- Updated at the end of each day, showing the delivered orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
- Object — the name of the object (Customer) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the daily quantity of product items in the shipments sent to customers. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing data on sent shipments.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory, Supplier).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory, supplier) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Destination — the customer the product is delivered to.
- Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the current volume of products in stock (the sum of the Available Inventory and the reserved volume of products). It is used in calculation of the Peak Capacity. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the maximum volume of product items in stock (summarized volume on all products) from the beginning of the experiment and up to the present moment. Calculation is based on the On-hand Inventory statistics. The data is:
- Updated each time inventory is increased.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (distribution center, factory) the data is collected on.
- Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
Shows statistics on the overall quantity of product items ordered for production. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing placed production orders.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (Factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
Shows statistics on the overall quantity of product items produced by the factory (in the measurement unit specified in the experiment settings).
The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing produced product items.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (Factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Unit — the product measurement unit.
Shows statistics on the overall quantity of product items (in the product units specified in the Products table) produced by the factory. The data is:
- Updated at the end of each day, showing produced product items.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (Factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Unit — the specified product measurement unit.
[Used within Safety stock estimation experiment only] Shows the results of the Safety Stock Estimation experiment. The gathered data shows the amount of products in the specified measurement units that must be kept as a safety stock at a particular site per period. the data is:
- Updated at the end of the experiment.
- Collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
- Object — the name of the distribution center, factory the data is collected on.
- Product — the products the data is collected on.
- Period — the period during which the data is collected.
- Replication — the ordinal number of replication the gathered data belongs to.
- Value — the amount of products required as a safety stock.
- Unit — the product measurement unit.
Shows the amount of product that was wasted due to fruit filler shortage. It is a custom statistic that is used with the YogurtFactory extension only.
The data is collected per:
- Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Yogurt Factory).
- Object — the name of the object (Yogurt Factory) the data is collected on.
- Product — the product the data is collected on (Yogurt).
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