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Iterations Comparison

The Iterations Comparison dialog box is available only in the results of the experiments supporting iterations (Network Optimization, Variation, Comparison). The dialog box fits the data of all the required iterations on one screen with a set of controls for managing the iterations.

To open the Iterations Comparison dialog box

  1. Run the experiment that uses iterations (e.g. the Network Optimization experiment).
  2. Select the required result of the experiment, then click the to open the Iterations panel.
  3. Click to open the Iterations Comparison dialog box.

    The set of parameters differs depending on the experiment type.

Iterations Comparison dialog box in different experiments

Certain parameters (or their meaning) differ in the Iterations Comparison dialog box depending on the experiment type:
Iterations Comparison in Network Optimization

Iterations Comparison in Comparison

Iterations Comparison in Variation

The dialog box comprises:

  • Header controls:
    • Export to Excel — exports iterations from the comparison table to an MS Excel file.

      The set of iterations and KPI metrics the comparison table contains depends on the defined parameters in the left sidebar.

    • — closes the Iterations Comparison dialog box (you can open it later).
  • Body:
    • Comparison table — contains records (one per iteration) with all the iteration selected from the Iterations drop-down list:
      • The number of table columns corresponds to the number of ADDED metrics in the KPI metrics drop-down list.
      • — [available in the Network Optimization experiment only] [enabled by default] wraps the text in table cells to make it fit into the current column width.
  • Footer contains the following buttons:
    • Close — closes the Iterations Comparison dialog box.
    • Convert to a new scenario — [not available in the Comparison experiment only] opens the Convert Result dialog box, allowing you to convert the selected record of the comparison table to a new scenario.
    • Open selected iteration — closes the Iterations Comparison dialog box, triggers the map to display the supply chain from the selected iteration.
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