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This table is used within the simulation-based experiments only (i.e., Simulation, Variation, Comparison, Safety stock estimation, and Risk analysis).

Inventory replenishment for a site is regulated by its inventory policy (defined in the Inventory table). For a distribution center, the required inventory is replenished by ordering the necessary product from a source in accordance with the Sourcing policy. For a Factory, the required inventory is replenished by producing the necessary product in accordance with the Production policy.

The Production table is used to define production policies:

  • What sites produce products
  • What products are produced
  • What BOMs (Bills of Materials) are used for production

If a production site manufactures a product in batches, its Production Batch parameters override the Production parameters.

The measurement units and available currencies used throughout the scenario can be changed in the Units section of anyLogistix Settings.

The logic defined in this table can be affected by the Time windows.

Column Description


Defines the production site (the cell contains a list of all the available sites).

The selected Site should be a factory (defined in the Factories table). Objects of other types will be ignored by the system.


The product that will be produced.

The cell contains a list of products (defined in the Products table).


The production policy type:

  • Simple make policy — the product amount required by the Inventory policy is produced in accordance with the production parameters.
  • Partial production policy — sets the percentage of the required products (by the Inventory policy) to produce.

    The Sourcing policy must be additionally defined for the factory to obtain the rest of the requested product somewhere (e.g. from a supplier). If it is not defined, the expected amount will be kept as pending, and will affect further calculations of what the factory is supposed to produce:
    e.g. The factory receives a production order for 100 product items, the Production percentage is set to 50. In this case the factory will produce 50 items. The rest of the order will be kept pending at the factory. Now, the factory receives new production order for another 100 items. The total order amount will now be 100 new + 50 pending = 150 items. According to the policy parameters it must produce 50% of that amount or 75 items, while a user would still expect it to produce 50 items.


The production parameters:

  • Production time per unit — the time required to produce 1 product unit.
  • Time unit — the time measurement unit.
  • Production percentage — [Available only if Partial production policy is set in the Type column] the percentage of the required amount to produce.

The values of the Production time per unit and Production percentage can be either fixed or stochastic (defined by a probability distribution). For details on providing fixed or stochastic value refer to this section.


The BOM (Bill of Materials) for the product. The source materials are delivered to the production site in accordance with its Sourcing policy.

The cell contains a list of BOMs (defined in the BOM table).

Production Cost

The cost of producing one product unit. If defined, overrides the defined Cost of obtaining a product.

If a Production Batch is defined, it overrides the product's Production Cost.


The type of currency that the cost is expressed in.

The list of available units comprises the units defined in the Manage units dialog.

CO2 per Product

The amount of CO2 emission per one produced product unit.

Time Period

The time period during which the product is produced.

The cell contains a list of periods (previously defined in the Periods table).

Inclusion Type

Defines the status of the given production policy.

  • Include — include this production policy into supply chain configuration.
  • Exclude — exclude this production policy from supply chain configuration. If selected, the table record will be grayed out to denote the current inclusion type. The table record stays editable.
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