If you want anyLogistix tables to show only certain records, filter the data in the corresponding column(s) of the table by providing the filtering equation into the filter cell below the column title:
You can filter data by:
The filter field accepts the following operators:
- (>0) — greater than the specified value.
- (<0) — less than the specified value.
- (=0) — equal to the specified value.
- (>=0) — greater than the specified value or equal to it.
- (<=0) — less than the specified value or equal to it.
- true / false — boolean values.
Additionally certain filter fields accept:
- assigned name — filters the records by the Assigned name defined in the Left-Hand Side column of the Custom Constraints table.
- variable — filters data by the variables (Continuous variable, Integer variable, Semi-Continuous variable, Boolean variable).
expression — filters data by the Linear expression variable type.
This filter parameter can also be used in the Expression column of the Linear Ranges and Objective Members tables.
- min — filters data by the Min expression variable type.
- max — filters data by the Max expression variable type.
- step — filters data by the Step function variable type.
- limit_inputs — filters data by the Limit inputs variable type.
- limit_outputs — filters data by the Limit outputs variable type.
- piecewise — filters data by the Piecewise function variable type.
- and — the logical and operator.
- or — the logical or operator.
To filter table records by the more, less, etc. conditions
Click the filter cell beneath the Selling Price column title and type in the desired condition.
We will type in a less than condition (<7).
The column data will be filtered according to the specified condition:
In the same way you may filter the data column according to all other conditions.
To remove the filter, simply click the
icon to the right of the specified condition (<7).
To filter table records by text
Click the filter cell beneath the column title and type in the text that will be used to filter the column data.
In our case we filter the data in the
Name column by medic to see all possible options.
The column data will be filtered according to the specified text:
To remove the filter, simply click the
icon to the right of the medic value.
To filter table records by the explicitly specified numeric value
Click the grey cell below the Selling Price
column title and type in specific numeric value (7)
that will be used to filter the column data.
The column data will be filtered according to the specified numeric value:
To remove the filter, simply click the
icon to the right of the specified numeric value 7.
For cells containing both time and date values, the filter accepts complex requests (e.g. mm/dd/yy hh:mm) with operators, if required.
To filter table records by date
Click the filter cell beneath the column title and type the desired date in any of the following formats:
- yyyy
- yyyy-mm
- yyyy-mm-dd
- m/d/yy
- mm/dd/yy
To remove the filter, simply click the
icon to the right of the specified value.
To filter table records by time
Click the filter cell beneath the column title and type the desired time in any of the following formats:
- hh or hh:mm — if you prefer to create filter request in the 24-hour time format.
- hh:mm AM/PM — if you prefer to create filter request in the 12-hour time format.
To remove the filter, simply click the
icon to the right of the specified value.
Table columns may contain toggle buttons as a type of data that a user and anyLogistix use for scenarios. The toggle buttons define whether the certain data will be included or excluded from the scenario (or switching between certain states e.g. straight routes/actual routes).
Click the filter cell below the column title and type in
true or 1 if you want to filter by the enabled records, and
false or 0 to show the disabled records:
To remove the filter, simply click the
icon to the right of the specified condition.
Records of certain tables (Custom Constraints, Linear Ranges, Objective Members) contain complex data comprising variable types, names of variables, and coefficients. The filters of the table columns containing these records accept additional data.
To filter by variable type the : colon symbol is required after the filter parameter. If the filter parameter is used without the colon, the filter will search for the matching text value instead of the variable type.
The image below shows the filter output for the min filter parameter. The records of this column do not contain min or its derivatives as a text value, so the output is empty. However, if you filter by min: the output will contain all three records, since the values of all three records contain the Min expression variable type:
Filters of such columns accept numeric values only for the name of the variables:
To create a more specific filter add the and and or operators allowing you to combine several requests into a more complex one.
To filter table records by variable types
Open the Custom Constraints table:
Click the filter cell beneath the Right-Hand Side column title and type expression: to filter records by the
Linear expression variable type.
It is important to use the : colon symbol, otherwise the filter will search for the matching text value instead of the variable type.
Now press Space and type "Yanbu" to additionally filter the records by this customer:
There is still plenty of data to look through.
We are interested in flows SA 2 or SA 3, so we will create the required request by adding the logical
and operator and the request itself ("Sa 2" or "Sa 3"):
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