This section contains details of the administrator / user profile. If required, you can edit your profile details.
To open the PERSONAL DATA section
Open the control panel. Depending on your user type you:
- Initially enter the control panel on logging in if you are the product administrator, otherwise
- In the anyLogistix toolbar click and select Control panel.
Click the PERSONAL DATA tab.
The PERSONAL DATA section will open.
The set of details differs depending on the Control Panel type.
- Name — the user's name.
- Surname — the user's surname.
- Password — [not available in the desktop version] click the Change password button to change the password.
- License — [not available in the administrator's Control Panel] shows if a license is assigned. Click Show info to see license details.
API key — [available in the user's Control Panel of the anyLogistix Professional Server] the field contains the unique API
token, allowing you to secure access to anyLogistix API. You may:
- Click to copy the current API key.
- Click to generate a new API key.
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