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Statistics related to this group provide detailed information on generated revenue and incurred expenses during the Simulation experiment for the specified Scenario.

Average Cost per Item

Shows statistics on the average cost of a single product item while fulfilling demand (ratio of Total Cost to Demand Received (Products)).

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory, Supplier) the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Average Cost per Order

Shows statistics on the average cost of an order while fulfilling demand (ratio of Total Cost to Demand Received (Orders)).

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory, Supplier) the data is collected on.
  • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Customer Tariff

Shows statistics on the taxes (defined in the Tariffs table) that were paid during the simulation period for transporting products from a site to a customer located in a different country.

If a product is transferred between two sites, refer to the Tariff statistics.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
    • Object — the name of the object (Customer) the product is delivered to.
    • Product — the product the data is collected on.
    • Source — the object the product is delivered from (DC, Factory).
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Facility Cost

Shows statistics on the costs of renting a facility based on the Peak Capacity from the beginning of the experiment and up to the present moment. The type of the cost is defined in the Facility expenses table. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Defined by the specified facility cost multiplied by the peak inventory capacity (from the beginning of the experiment and up to the present moment) and divided by the number of days in the current month.
  • Collected per:
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Fleet Cost

Shows statistics on the costs of owing a fleet based on the Max Number of Vehicles Used from the beginning of the experiment and up to the present moment. The cost is defined in the Fleet table. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Defined by the fleet cost multiplied by the peak number of vehicles used simultaneously (from the beginning of the experiment and up to the present moment) and divided by the number of days in the current month.
  • Collected per:
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Vehicle Type — the vehicle type used to deliver orders.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Inbound Processing Cost

Statistics on the expenses on processing the incoming shipments in accordance with the Processing Cost set for the facility. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Calculated in the following way:
    • Order / shipment amount is represented in terms of units, which can be orders, shipments, product units, volume or weight units.
    • The resulting number of Units is multiplied by the processing cost for a single unit.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Product — the products the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Initial Site Cost

Statistics on the expenses on building / opening a facility (specified as the Initial cost in the Expense Type column of the Facility expenses table). This cost is considered if the facility state is changed (from closed to open) because of the planned event (defined in the Events table) or at the beginning of the period defined in the Site State change table. The value is used to calculate the Total Cost statistics.
The data is:

  • Updated each time a facility changes its state (at the end of the day).
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Inventory Carrying Cost

Shows statistics on the cost for storing each product item at the site (for the period of time that it has been stored there). The value (specified as the Carrying cost in the Expense Type column of the Facility expenses table) is considered in the Total cost statistics. The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Product — the products the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Inventory Spend

Shows statistics on the expenses for replenishing the inventory. The value is the sum of the initial inventory purchase cost (it is not considered if a DC is initially open) and the replenishment costs. The value is considered in the Total cost statistics.

Initial inventory cost is calculated as Initial stock, units (specified in the Inventory table) multiplied by the Cost value for the corresponding product (specified in the Products table or the Sale Batch table, which overrides the Products table). Inventory replenishment cost is calculated as the total quantity of products ordered from a supplier multiplied by the Cost value for the corresponding product.

If the supplier is represented by a DC or a factory, the products are free, the price of the products is not be considered.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Updated when every new incoming shipment is processed.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Product — the products the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Other Cost

Shows statistics on costs associated with the site (specified as the Other costs in the Expense type column of the Facility Expenses table). The time period during which the costs are incurred is defined in the Time Unit column of the Facility Expenses table. This type of expenses is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
  • Defined by dividing the Other costs value by the specified Time Unit.

Outbound Processing Cost

Shows statistics on the expenses on processing the outgoing shipments in accordance with the Processing Cost set for the facility. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics. The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day, showing sent shipments.
  • Processing cost is calculated in the following way:
    • Order / shipment amount is represented in terms of units, which can be orders, shipments, product units, volume or weight units.
    • The resulting number of Units is multiplied by the processing cost for a single unit.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory, Supplier).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory, Supplier) the data is collected on.
    • Product — the products the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Production Cost

Shows statistics on the production costs. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics. If a product is manufactured in batches (batches are defined in the Production Batch table) the product's Production Cost (specified in the Production table) will be overridden.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the product is delivered to.
    • Product — the product the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.
  • Defined by multiplying the cost of producing one product unit (the measurement unit is defined in the Products table) by the quantity of produced items.


Shows the expected profit, which is calculated as Revenue minus Total Cost received.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Updated when the Total Cost or Revenue values update.
  • Collected per Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory, Supplier) the data is collected on.
  • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Suppliers generate no revenue, so the profit value in this case is calculated as 0 - Total cost and is updated on sending every new shipment.


Shows statistics on the income generated by a facility from selling products to Customers.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day, showing data on sent shipments.
  • It is defined by multiplying the quantity of products in all orders contained in the shipment by price per product item.

    If a product batch is defined (in the Sale Batch table), it overrides the product's Selling price.

  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Product — the products the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Revenue by Customer

Statistics on the income generated by the particular customer. The value is calculated as the quantity of the ordered products multiplied by price per product item.

If a product batch is defined (in the Sale Batch table), it overrides the product's Selling price.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day, showing data on shipments delivered to the customer.
  • Calculated separately from sites' Revenue.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (Customer).
    • Object — the name of the object (Customer) the data is collected on.
    • Product — the products the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Site Closure Cost

Shows statistics on the costs for closing the site (specified as the Closure cost in the Expense type column of the Facility Expenses table). The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

This closure cost is considered only if the facility state is changed at the beginning of the period defined in the Site State change table.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.


Shows statistics on the taxes (defined in the Tariffs table) that were paid during the simulation period for transporting products between the sites of the supply chain located in different countries. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

If a product is delivered to a customer, refer to the Customer Tariff statistics.

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory) the product is delivered to.
    • Product — the product the data is collected on.
    • Source — the source of the product. The object the product is delivered from.
    • Period — the period during which the data is collected.

Total Cost

Shows statistics as the sum of all the incurred expenses, namely:

The data is:

  • Updated at the end of each day.
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory, Supplier).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory, Supplier) the data is collected on.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.

Only the Outbound Processing Cost and the Transportation Cost statistics are calculated for Suppliers. The data is updated at the end of each day, showing sum of all shipments for the day.

Transportation Cost

Shows statistics on the costs for delivering products from suppliers to facilities, between facilities and from facilities to customers. The value is considered in the Total Cost statistics.

The data is:

  • The data is updated at the end of each day, showing sum of all shipments for the day
  • Collected per:
    • Type — the type of object the data is collected on (DC, Factory, Supplier).
    • Object — the name of the object (DC, Factory, Supplier) the data is collected on.
    • Destination — the object the product is delivered to.
    • Vehicle type — the vehicle type used to perform delivery.
    • Period — the period, for which the data is calculated.
  • Calculated according to the Path's parameters.
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